
Motivate students to achieve their best with Connect's rewards feature. Like all other features it's completely customisable to your school.

    • Gamification

      Connect 'gamifies' rewards by giving students instant feedback to keep them engaged, and motivated to do more.

      Students can gain badges, unlock achievements, and compete with friends to reach the top position in their group leaderboards.

    • Cut Costs and Save Time with Electronic Certificates

    • Use one of our many certificate templates to automatically award students when certain conditions are met using our rewards feature.

      Email the student, parent, and other staff members a copy of the certificate without the need for admin staff to get involved.

    • Bronze Certificate

      Bronze Certificate

    • Rewards Points Shop

    • Encourage students to do their best with Connect's online shop for rewards points. 

    • School Rewards Shop

      School Rewards Shop

    • Connect-rewards-laptop


    • Simple to Use

      With Connect it is easy for staff to distribute rewards. SIMS integration means you see a list of your groups without having to search. You're just a couple of clicks away from awarding badges!

      Connect Rewards also features Achievements, Trophies, Leaderboards and Group Leaderboards. All teaching staff have to do is award badges and the rest take care of themselves.

      Being an electronic system there is no tedious counting to do for back office staff and a number of statistics and reports can be gathered instantly which are always up to date.

      If you choose, parents can have access to the system and see the dashboard and timeline of each of their children in a simple well laid out fashion.

    • Quick to Reward

      After your school sets up its reward policy teachers just click on the corresponding badge to award it to a student. Badges can be awarded to a whole group at once by clicking on the badge in-line with the group name.

      Rewards can also be given when marking homework tasks, and conversely bad behaviour can be recorded as part of our behaviour management feature.

      The multidimensional nature of the points system means students can compete on their own or as part of a group. If they reach first place in their year group, they can always aim for first place in their house group which spans multiple year groups.

    • Connect-rewards-your-groups


    • Badges

    • Connect-badges


    • Praise the Good, Target the Bad

      Badges can have either a positive or a negative rating so you can praise effort and target disruptive activities. Of course you don't have to use negative badges, Connect is flexible and can be tailored to your schools individual needs. It is also possible to use Connect to record behaviour, yet hide the details from parents and students.

      The system can be useful for finding patterns of behaviour  such as incorrect uniform  or disruptive behaviour, from lesson to lesson which in the past could go unnoticed.

      Custom Icons

      Connect is delivered with a comprehensive set of badge icons, and we can build or import custom icons sets specific to your school rewards policy.

    • Achievements

    • All students are familiar with the Xbox games console so we have produced a system to mimic this and allow easy understanding by students. The Xbox style 'achievements' can either be automatically awarded by Connect when the student gains a certain combination of badges by setting up 'rules' or, they can be awarded by staff as and when they see fit.

      Many schools give students a physical prize when students earn certain achievements.

    • Achievement Unlocked

      Achievement Unlocked

    • Leaderboards

    • Encourage Positive Behaviour and Teamwork

      Students get a score depending on the number of badges they receive and the value of those badges. Negative scoring badges can be hidden from the leaderboards to prevent students competing for these badges.

      Leaderboards are automatically created for each of the following.

      • Year Groups
      • House Groups
      • Registration Groups
      • Timetabled Lessons

      Timetabled lessons have leaderboards which are relevant to that class whereas Year, House and Registration leaderboards show points for the sum of all classes put together.

    • Connect-rewards-overall-leaderboards


    • Connect-rewards-leaderboard-laptop-black-1120


    • Group Leaderboards

      Students can compete as part of a group which can help students motivate each other in friendly competition between other registration groups, houses, or year groups.

      Trophies are awarded to the top three students in each group, and these trophies are displayed on the student dashboard. Students also receive a notification when they gain a trophy.

      Leaderboards can be exported in Excel format so that prizes can be given, or mail-merge letters can be sent to parents based on their child's performance in class.

    • Trophies

    • Gold, Silver & Bronze

      If a student is in a top position on the leaderboard for one of their groups they will be passed a gold, silver or bronze Trophy.

      Students will be notified via Connect and their current trophies will show on their Rewards Dashboard.

    • Trophy-passed


    • Dashboard

    • Connect Rewards Dashboard

      Connect Rewards Dashboard

    • Accessible to All

      The student reward dashboard lets parents, staff and the  students themselves know how well they are progressing throughout the year.

      Views can be customised for students and parents, or even for individual users should you wish to only allow certain parents to view negative behaviour, for example.

    • Timeline

    • The Facebook style timeline gives detailed information about when badges, achievements and trophies were gained.

    • Connect Rewards Timeline

      Connect Rewards Timeline

    • Reports

    • The reporting feature of Connect allow custom reports detailing various statistics gathered from the rewards system.

      Connect is a live system and the reports are always up to date.

      Reports can be given a start and end date for analysing individuals, groups or the whole school over different terms or periods.

      Reports can also be generated to show how often staff are rewarding students, and even compare different sized groups by using averages based on student attendance.

  • What Teachers Say

    I like the daily summary email so I know how my tutor group are behaving. It means I can have a quick chat before things escalate, or let my community leader know so she can have a chat with persistent offenders.

    Registration Tutor Ormiston Six Villages Academy
  • What Parents Say

    I used the Connect application to book my teacher consultations. I am impressed with the Connect software - a nice user experience. Moreover my son was very happy not to have to make the bookings! Thank you for automating and simplifying this process.

    Parent The Angmering School
  • What Teachers Say

    It’s great for students to have a fully detailed account of their homework to access from home. I love the way you can attach the worksheets for the students to look at from home.

    Teacher Ormiston Six Villages Academy
  • What Parents Say

    I would just like to say what a fantastic idea this email notification system is.

    I was already really pleased that the homework site had been personalised, which made checking up on due in homework a painless task, but the weekly email is even better!

    Parent Durrington High School

Connect VLE Benefits

  • Content. Managed.

    Keep on top of your lessons and more…

  • Peace of mind as standard

    Ongoing support as part of the package.

  • Easy set up process

    Our team manages the system installation.

  • Safe and secure

    Connect boasts high levels of security.

  • Powerful and flexible

    Connect scales to any size of school.

  • Stress free administration

    Your ICT team won't be inundated with support requests.

  • Engaging and informative

    Keep parents up-to-date with weekly summary emails.

Tweet Connect modules can now be purchased separately and we are now offering cloud hosting. Discounts are available for…

Oct 17, 2018 via Twitter

Tweet Come and see us tomorrow at #SouthEdShow on stand 199 where we will be demonstrating our school portal. Talk to Mar…

Jun 26, 2018 via Twitter

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